BFHUA  Boston Field Hockey
  Umpire's Association

Official's Uniform

All BFHUA-registered officials must wear identical uniforms (shirts) during a contest. The required uniform for field hockey officials:

    • Top -  BFHUA officiating shirt with logo. The shirt is to be tucked into the official’s skirt, skort, slacks or shorts. In cold weather, any exposed long sleeve shirt must be black. 
    • Bottom - Black slacks, skirt, skort or shorts may be worn
    • Shoes – Solid black with black laces.
    • Hat/Visor – Solid black

Officials must wear a watch suitable for timing the game. The wearing of other jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Smoking and/or tobacco chewing is prohibited.

The use of personal audible wireless communication devices for officiating purposes during the game are highly recommended.

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